Mulege is a small town. Mulege is in BCS Mexico Mulege org is dedicated to Mulege residents and the people who have made us successful Thank you Mulege Mulege Playa Frambes Mulege Mexico


UPDATED October, 2006

  Follow our progress...

October 2006 Progress Report

The first week of October we drove to Mulege and
Susan stayed to become Playa Frambes's first full-time resident.


We looked like "Sanford and Son" driving down the road.

We crossed at Otay with a trailer full of junk...
paid our 17% tax and entered.
The immigration guys were helpful as the electricty was out and they had to work around it.

Efren Hernandez

and his construction team headed by Alejandro and Lupe started construction of the base.

BaseStart.jpg ToolHouse.jpg

InspectorBack.jpg DirtTruck.jpg

FootingsDugByHand.jpg FootingsDugByHand2.jpg

All footings are dug by hand.

BreakingRocks.jpg SiftingSand.jpg

The cutting of the boulders are done with a hammer.
Sifting of the sand is through an on-site constructed screen.

FrontWallBase.jpg BaseAlmostComplete.jpg

There are curves in the front to break up the boring look of the base.
This was Efren's idea...Susan liked it.


The "Inspector" came back...
He showed up immediately!!!
He brought some "trainees" with him.

Our October report is continued on page two....


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